to the Potomac Publishing Company® online research service.
Statutes at Large from 1789 forward Current Federal laws in full text and PDF The most up to date U.S. Code Simple document retrieval tool FEATURING - Legislative Impact®*
* a single mouse click provides you with all the laws affected by or that will affect the law you are viewing
Legislative Impact® Analysis
Potomac Publishing Company’s® proprietary service is the ultimate combination of cutting edge technology and legal data expertise. Legislative Impact® provides, with a simple mouse click, an unparalled ability to see instantly how existing laws and even other proposed legislation will be impacted by any of the thousands of legislative proposals currently before the Congress. This impressive service also allows the ability to determine if any pending legislation may impact an area of law that you are interested in. Nothing else like this exists today - try it to believe it.
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United States Statutes at Large
Have access to the definitive text of every Federal law – from the First Congress in 1789 to the act sitting on the President’s desk awaiting approval. See searchable pdf pages of the laws exactly as they were printed at the time of enactment. Quickly jump from page to page or volume to volume with more than 100 volumes, over 210,000 pages, instantly at your fingertips. Find what you’re looking for by citation, by Congress, or by official title.
Screenshot of Statutes at Large
Bills & Resolutions from the
110th Congress
See the full text of legislation as it progresses through each stage in the current Congress. Take advantage of Potomac Publishing Company’s® unique XML tagging which allows display of legislation in a clear, direct fashion that even provides color highlighting of changes to existing law. Retrieve pdf versions of legislation with the exact pagination and line numbering used by the Congress. Our exclusive Legislative Impact® tool will let you see how any legislation would, if enacted, change the existing law, and how it would be affected by other legislation currently introduced.
Screenshot of Bills & Resolutions
United States Code
Have the complete text of the U.S. Code, including fully integrated recently enacted legislation, at your fingertips. Page through any part of the Code, section by section, or instantly jump to any other section referenced in the Code or in the valuable explanatory notes included. Take advantage of CFR references and a full compliment of hyperlinks for easy navigation. Links to Potomac's Text and PDF versions of the Statutes at Large are also provided, allowing users a complete integrated set of federal codified laws and the statutes that they are derived from.
Screenshot of United States Code
Recent Laws
Quickly review a list of the 40 most recently enacted laws by clicking on this item.
Screenshot of Recent Laws
Get a Document
This feature provides the ability to quickly jump to a document of interest. Simply select the document type and fill in the citation information.
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Searchable PDF's
Potomac Publishing Company® has created searchable PDFs of the entire collection of the Statutes At Large.
Once a PDF is open, press CTRL-F to search within the PDF.
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Browse Collection
Easily browse through the entire contents of the collection from various starting points.